All About Wood
Our Plastic Free Pledge
We launched with a desire to be plastic free throughout our operation - here's the reality and our constant fight to change other companies' ways of thinking.
Is Burning Wood Bad for the Environment?
'Is burning wood bad for the environment?' is a question I get asked a lot. This article gives a balanced view on the sustainability of burning wood.
9 Things You Need to Know When You Buy Firewood
Knowing which firewood to buy can be difficult - how do you know which firewood is best and how much you need for your log burner? Our firewood buying guide aims to break down the jargon and give you some simple pointers on what to look for when you buy firewood.
Why Should I Use Kiln-Dried Logs?
We know you pay a premium for kiln-dried logs so why should you use them? We explain the benefits of kiln-dried logs including lower moisture, cleaner burning, and reliability of availability.