
Send us a WhatsApp by Clicking the Logo or Scanning the QR. We hate annoying AI chatbots and we expect you do too - so we'll never use them. Your message will be answered by either Paul or Heather... and we answer all messages pretty darn quickly!

Send a WhatsApp to Love Logs    Send a WhatsApp to Love Logs


We still have email too if you prefer that, so go ahead and pop us an email! Just like WhatsApp, we'll answer all emails personally. Just click the email address below, or copy it into your email provider.



Just click the logo of your favourite social media outlet below to head directly to our page.

Instagram, TikTok and Facebook all feature short format videos, photos and the odd discount code, so they're worth following along!

On YouTube we share longer format content such as how-to videos and recipes.

We're @planetfriendlyfirewood on all platforms!

Love Logs Instagram Link @planetfriendlyfirewood    Love Logs Facebook Link @planetfriendlyfirewood
Love Logs YouTube    Love Logs TikTok